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10 Apr
Veg & Fruits

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Organic And Nonorganic Food

Food is an essential possession for the living of an organism. No one can imagine its life without food. Humans prefer food which is suitable for their health and development. Many regions have properties that organic food is better for health ad nourishment, especially for Children. At the same time, modern researches show that organic food lacks some nutrients, which are needed for development. It is precisely stated that nonorganic food contains some nutrients, which are desired for expansion.

Organic food is growing in popularity all over the world, but it’s more difficult and costly to find such food. Adding a small amount of nonorganic with that of organic food is a good idea. But a well-balanced diet with low fat and high energy protein is a healthier and reasonable choice for most of the consumers.

There may be eating organic food, and its cons are also with it. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of organic and nonorganic food with its complete elements.

Advantages of organic food


1.     Reduced Exposure to Pesticides

One of the highest privileges of organic food is the inferior susceptibility to pesticides, due to legislation which is assessed on organic farming. Pesticides may sometime harm the production, while reduced exposure to pesticides retains the quality better and protect persons from harmful diseases. Pesticides, sometimes infect children’s mind, negative impact on IQ, neurobehavioral development, and other such conditions in humans.

2.    Reduced Exposure to Antibiotics

In conventional agriculture, antibiotic use is ending. According to the summary report, the use of antimicrobials is decreasing to 43% from its peak until 2015, when 80% of antibiotics are used for animal agriculture. Instead of using medicines to keep animals safe, provide them the appropriate space for nourishment so that the probability of infections and disease could be reduced.

3.    Reduced Allergies and obesity

According to European Parliamentary research, there is a link between organic food consumption and childhood allergies. The adults who frequently ate organic food are less likely to be overweight or obese. There have been no studies to establish cause between these factors, but it is thought that it is challenging to separate organic and other Lifestyle factors present in the environment.

4.    More Nutritional Value and sustainability

Many consumers believe that organic food better nutritional value and sustainability then grew home. Still, there is only limited evidence that is recorded in this case: organic milk meat and onions have a higher concentration of acids than their inherent quality. While for sustainability, organic practices are most sustainable than conventional agriculture while it consumes a lot of natural resources while for durability, which always matters and eco friendly to you.

Disadvantages of Organic food


1.    Too Costly and Restrictive

Some farms follow organic production, but they don’t have any certification of their Organic products, because Organic products have short standards and are to be restrictive. Because of extra cost, they don’t rely on the consumers there for this method is that they are too costly and restrictive. According to the data provided on the organic food, costs shows that organic food is 47% more Costly than nonorganic food.

2.    Organic foods may contain fewer nutritional items

Organic food contains less nutritional elements, included per swerving when they are compared to dietary crops. If we talk about organic milk, then it lacks iodine and selenium, which are two critical and essential elements for good health. Therefore, the lack of crucial nutrients can’t make it beneficial.

3.    Not accessible in some communities

Organic food is increasing in its demands across the united states and all over the world. At the same time, its low production and high consumption make it non available in  some communities. Besides this, only 60% of people purchase organic food, which is a more confounding factor for its nonavailability due to the high rate of consumption.

4.     Shorter shelf life and sensitive to environmental changes:

There is plenty of organic food that has a longer shelf life, while in traditional terms, most have a shorter span of life. Some green products, such as turnips, mustard shrink to 50% with one or two days, and they are sensitive to environmental changes. With an increase in temperature,  they may damage up to a reasonable extent, which is the most significant drawback of organic food.

5.     Organic foods take more work to produce

Inorganic food is produced by machines and certain chemicals, such as enzymes, which increase the production in limited time. In contrast, for organic food, they have a determined spell and requirements for cultivation and production. Their rate cannot be increased, it can only grow if we increase the resulted amount of producers, and it can only improve for limited production. Therefore, it can more time and work to produce.

6.     Residues of natural pesticides and fungicides

While using pesticides and insecticides In the inorganic food, they are removed by certain chemicals, which cleans the residues within the food. While for organic food, there are certain fungicides and insecticides within the menu, which are not cleaned up by a unique process; therefore, they can contain some residual elements of these insects killing medicines. These residuals can be harmful for the children’s and persons as they can create infections and allergies.

Advantages of non organic food


1.    Cost Savings

One of the greatest advantage of non organic food is that they are cheaper than organic food because, their farming and growing methods yield more food. Due to insect damage, they undergo minimal kiss and have a long shelf life. Some of the organic foods are nonorganic nature because they lack any certification, and consumers are familiar with these brands. They are different in quality, texture, taste, and much more.

2.    Buying Local

For non-organic food, if you buy locally, then it saves gas and supports small businesses. For supermarkets and shops, which are near to your house, you can easily purchase new and varied variety, which is one of the greatest advantages.  Often the meat, which is most significant organically, sometimes lacks certification and offered as nonorganic. The reason behind this is that it cannot be stored for a long time and may not be treated with high levels of pesticides and insecticides.

3.    Farming Practices

Organic farming is less damaging to the environment, but traditional agriculture yields more production, and it reduces the amount of land which is needed to grow food. The agency regulates pesticides used on farms. As pesticides use increases, there is a need to promote the system towards better protection of health and the environment for increasing quality of life.

4.    Nutrition and Food Safety

Inorganic food always has food safety and nutritional qualities that are needed for growth, especially for children. While for organic food, they don’t have any certification. Organic food may have some less amount of residues such as fruits that have thick skin, while it doesn’t have the same situation for every organic food. There was a Chinese company, which was selling certified organic food, and due to residues to pesticides and chemicals, there was a deadly outbreak of E.coli to organic bean sprouts.

Disadvantages of nonorganic food


1.    Expensive

Nonorganic food is too expensive because of taxes and other certifications. Nonorganic food doesn’t have reasonable nutrients and the cost is still touching high peaks. Therefore, it will be unwise to support it. At the same time, organic food is pocket friendly in contrast to nonorganic food and contains essential nutrients for development.

2.    Contaminated and probability of disease

As the food contains contaminated and pesticide residues, which can cause food poisoning and other chemical hazards. These possibilities can increase allergies and other diseases, which can take severe conditions. They can cause motor dysfunction and carcinogenicity. They may contain a high concentration of hormones, such as Zeranol.

·     Final words

Through my bottom line, organic food is good for health, but it lacks some essential nutrients while inorganic too. The need is to use better products with certification and avoid taking any product with residues of pesticides or fungicides because it may be harmful to you and can create a hazardous situation. Both have advantages and disadvantages along with qualities, the choice us one, which is personal. By evaluating this, you will find the best one for you.
